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  • Strategies to Prevent Burnout

    Not many people get through life without experiencing burnout at some point. Whether it’s from working more than one job, taking care of a sick loved-one, or juggling family life while going back to school, burnout is real. And when it happens, it negatively impacts your life and health. Let’s explore some strategies for how to prevent burnout in Winnipeg.

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    Common Signs of Burnout

    If you think you may be experiencing burnout but are unsure, here are some of the most common signs:

    • Physical and mental exhaustion
    • Feeling overwhelmed
    • A need to isolate
    • Fantasies of escaping
    • Irritability
    • Frequent illnesses such as colds and flues

    5 Ways to Prevent Burnout in Winnipeg

    The following are just a few tips for how to prevent burnout.

    Burnout Prevention Tip 1: Exercise

    You know exercise is necessary for your physical health, but it is fantastic for your mental and emotional health as well. Physical activity helps your body secrete feel-good hormones, which gives your mood a boost. So be sure to commit to exercising at least 3-4 times a week.

    Burnout Prevention Tip 2: Get Enough Rest

    It’s essential to get enough restorative sleep each night. Sleep not only helps your body build and repair new tissue, but it helps you be able to feel calm and focused.

    If you have trouble getting enough ZZZZZs each night, skip caffeinated beverages past 2pm, limit or outright ban smartphones and other electronics from the bedroom, and establish a relaxing nighttime ritual like meditation, reading, or taking a bath.

    Prevention Tip 3: Validate Your Feelings

    “Keep calm and carry on.” That’s a fun saying for a throw pillow, but it’s not always the best advice. Sometimes it’s important to admit that you are struggling and that you need a break.

    Prevention Tip 4: Remember to Play

    Simply being an adult doesn’t mean you don’t need some downtime to just have fun. Whether you want to play a sport, enjoy a hobby, or go to the theatre, be sure to take time each week to enjoy yourself and your life.

    Burnout Prevention Tip 5: Ask for Help

    During stressful times, it’s important to reach out to others for help. Sometimes all we need is a friendly ear to listen to what’s on our minds and hearts. Let your friends and family know you could use a little support.

    If your stress levels don’t seem to go down, you may want to consider working with a Winnipeg counsellor who can help you navigate your feelings and offer coping strategies to deal with the issues you have going on.

    If you’d like to speak with someone, please reach out to us.

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